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For Authors

Scientific journal of the Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganov Music: Art, Research, Practice accepts for publication previously unpublished articles (including those in electronic form) meeting the requirements set out below.

Subject of the articles must conform to the specialty codes 17.00.02 — Musical Art (Art History), 5.10.3 Art Types (Art History) (with indication of specific art). The decision to publish an article is made by the journal’s Editorial Board on the basis of expert assessment and relevance of the submitted materials to the thematic content of the journal as well as their scientific merit and importance.

The recommended length of an article is from 0.5 to 1.0 printer’s sheet (20 000 — 40 000 characters including spaces and bibliographic references). Longer articles may be accepted by a special decision of the Editorial Board.

The article should be sent to the email address of editorial staff: The name of the file should be the author’s name.

The manuscript should be accompanied by:
1) the article abstract (up to 600 characters) in Russian and English, as well as keywords in Russian and English languages, summary (up to 850 characters) in Russian and English;
2) information about the author — surname, name, patronymic, scientific degree and title, position and place of work, zip code, address, e-mail address, contact phone numbers.

Articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word (*.docx) or Writer (* .odt) formats, font type: Times New Roman. Margins: left, right and top — 25 mm, bottom — 35 mm. The author’s name: font size 14, right-aligned.

The article’s title: font size 14, bold, left alignment, line spacing 1.2. Text of the article — font size 14, line spacing 1.2; full-width alignment; paragraph indent 1 cm. References are placed in the text in accordance with the example: [1. Р. 5].

List of references is placed at the end of the article and madein accordance with the State standard GOST R 7.0.5. – 2008.

Full bibliographic description of the sources used should include surnames of the authors followed by two initials, publisher information, total number of pages (or numbers of pages on which this material was published in the collection of articles). Notes are made in the form of endnotes. Text of the notes should have size 12 pt, line spacing 1.2.

  • Italics and spacing are used to highlight texts. Underline and bold fonts are not allowed. You can not use spaces between letters to display the spacing!
  • For the dash (-) character, use the [Ctrl + Alt + minus] key combination; for the "short dash" (-), used between the numbers, - the combination [Ctrl + minus].
  • Quotation marks are displayed with [«»], quotation marks inside the quotes - with ordinary [„“].
  • The names of the works are given in ordinary font, beginning with a capital letter and in quotation marks.
  • The names of genres are given beginning with a capital letter, without quotation marks.
  • The numbers of symphonies, concerts, sonatas are given in words.
  • The opus numbers are not separated from the name by a comma. Example: Prelude h-moll op. 7 No. 2, Second Piano Concerto op. 29.
  • Music tonality is denoted in Latin in ordinary fonts (C-dur, g-moll), names of sounds – in Latin letters in italics: h, G.
  • The dates are denoted by numerals: the centuries - by Roman numerals, the years and decades – by Arabic numerals. The use of Russian letters "X", "У", "Ш", “П" instead of Roman numerals is not allowed.

Musical examples are accepted either as a separate files by typing in the note editor in the MUS format (*.mus), or as a graphics files TIFF format (*.tiff,  or  *.tif) with a resolution of 600 dpi. The size of the image when printed should not exceed 150 mm in width and 180 mm in height.

The Editorial Staff will notify the author of the receipt of the original article no later than 10 days after receiving it by e-mail. The authors are strongly advised to keep all correspondence with the editors of the journal for their record.

Articles are sent to the Editorial Staff free of charge, the manuscripts are not to be returned. There is no fee for publication.

The journal is included in the list of HAC (Higher attestation Commission) (06.06.2017. № 2086).

Editorial Staff address: Bolshaya Krasnaya 38, City of Kazan, 420015, Russian Federation.
Tel./Fax: +7 (843) 236-54-42.